Twitter chief arrested in India, which is why Manish Maheshwari was arrested, excluding Jammu and Kashmir's Ladakh from the map of India! Indications of drastic action
Why was Manish Maheshwari, the chief executive of Twitter, arrested in India? Global New News Desk - In India, Manish Maheshwari, the chief executive of Twitter, was accused by a Bajrang Dal leader in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, of having a distorted map. An FIR was lodged on the basis of that allegation. Uttar Pradesh police on Tuesday arrested Manish Maheshwari, the head of Twitter in India, on the basis of the allegations. He has been arrested in connection with a controversy over the publication of a distorted map of India on Twitter. Anandabazar newspaper has confirmed this information quoting the news agency ANI. Uttar Pradesh Police has registered an FIR against Manish under Section 505 (2) of the Indian Penal Code and Section 64 of the Information Technology Act. He was arrested after that. The reason why the chief executive of Twitter in India was arrested, Twitter chief Manish Maheshwari has been arrested in India for publishing a distorted map on Twitter. Uttar Pradesh polic...